Ассоциация европейского бизнеса в регионах


On the backdrop of changing investment patterns and increasing numbers of member companies expanding their activities in the regions, the AEB is committed to a strategy of regional expansion. We aim to support our members in their activities outside of Moscow by providing them with contacts in the regions and helping them communicate with local administrations.

The AEB pays great attention to regional development and works with the different Russian regions. There are two regional committees within the AEB: the Southern Committee based in Krasnodar, and the North-Western Committee, with an office in St. Petersburg. In 2013 we signed an agreement of understanding with the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Republic of Tatarstan.

The governors of the Russian regions meet with members of the Association, making presentations of their regions for our companies. Recently we were approached by the governors of the Rostov, Sverdlovsk, Vologda, Tula, Tyumen and Stavropol regions, as well as the governor of St. Petersburg and also representatives from the Moscow Government and the Krasnodar region.

We also conduct regular Business Missions in order to give our members the opportunity to sound out new opportunities and to provide local administrations with a chance to promote their regions. The recent missions were to Tyumen and Tula.

The AEB takes an active part in all major Federal Forums held in the regions: the St. Petersburg Economic Forum, Sochi Economic forum and Eastern Economic forum. We conduct a number of events in Moscow on regional topics with ministries, federal funds and special economic zones.