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Информация о мероприятии

The AEB is pleased in invite you to its Eighth Annual HR Conference titled, “Employer Branding – Key to Success”, which will take place in Moscow on May 19th, 2011 at the Marriott Grand Hotel Moscow, Tverskaya 26/1.

This is a full-day conference, which will focus on compensation and benefits and recruitment aspects, as well as the assessment, training and development in personnel management in Russia.

This year the HR committee has developed an extremely interesting programme with two specials sessions. At the start of the conference, we invited a special guest – Alfredo Jose Assumpcao, CEO and Partner of Fesa Global Executive Search, Brazil, who is the second best head hunter in the world according to Business Week magazine. Mr. Assumpcao will deliver an hour’s presentation on the topic Building Outstanding Teams. Please see his brief CV attached.

The second novelty this year is Business Leaders’ panel discussion. CEOs of major companies were invited to share their views on the role of the HR departments in their respective companies, the HR challenges in Russia and the way companies perceive employer branding and adapt their global strategies to the local market. Preliminary confirmations were received from Joerg Bongartz, Chairman of the Board, Deutsche Bank, Bruno Ancelin, Managing Director for Russia, Renault-Nissan, Jaron Wiedmaier, General Director, Continental Tires, Bernd Guralczyk, CEO Media Markt Saturn.

Sponsorship opportunities are open; please see the conference package attached.

The conference will be conducted in English. Please note that translation will NOT be provided.

For further details, please see the attached programme. The programme is liable to slight changes upon receipt of final confirmations from the speakers.

Please register for this event on-line at

Attendance fees

AEB members: the registration fee for the HR Conference is 16,000 RUR (plus VAT 18%).
the fee is 19,200 RUR (plus VAT 18%).
Registration is open until May 14th, 2010. Your registration will be valid only upon receipt of payment.

Contact persons

Registration online: Ekaterina Klimanova, AEB Events Coordinator, .
Programme and sponsorship: Irina Aksenova, AEB Business Development Director,






Аккредитованный представитель: 8 400₽ Дополнительный представитель: 8 400₽
Регистрация для участников закрыта
Price for assigned members: 1.00 Rub
Price for non members: 4000.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 3000.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 1000.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 10620.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 9440.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 9440.00 Rub
Price for non members: 4130.00 Rub
Price for non members: 4130.00 Rub
Price for non members: 8260.00 Rub
Price for non members: 8260.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4130.00 Rub
Price for non members: 8260.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4130.00 Rub
Price for non members: 8260.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4130.00 Rub
Price for non members: 8260.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4130.00 Rub
Price for non members: 17110.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 14160.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 14160.00 Rub
Price for non members: 8260.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4130.00 Rub
Price for non members: 8260.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4130.00 Rub
Price for non members: 8260.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4130.00 Rub
Price for non members: 8260.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4130.00 Rub
Price for non members: 8260.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4130.00 Rub
Price for non members: 8260.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4130.00 Rub
Price for non members: 3540.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 1770.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 1770.00 Rub
Price for non members: 8260.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4130.00 Rub
Price for non members: 8260.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4130.00 Rub
Price for non members: 3540.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 2950.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 2950.00 Rub
Price for non members: 8260.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4130.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9440.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 8260.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 8260.00 Rub
Price for non members: 8260.00 Rub
Price for non members: 8260.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4130.00 Rub
Price for non members: 8260.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4130.00 Rub
Price for non members: 8260.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4130.00 Rub
Price for non members: 8260.00 Rub
Price for non members: 8260.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4130.00 Rub
Price for non members: 8260.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4130.00 Rub
Price for non members: 8260.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4130.00 Rub
Price for non members: 8260.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4130.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9440.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 8260.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 8260.00 Rub
Price for non members: 8260.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4130.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9440.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 8260.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 8260.00 Rub
Price for non members: 8260.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4130.00 Rub
Price for non members: 8260.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4130.00 Rub
Price for non members: 8260.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4130.00 Rub
Price for non members: 8260.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4130.00 Rub
Price for non members: 10620.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 9440.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 9440.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 16520.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 14160.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 14160.00 Rub
Price for non members: 16520.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 14160.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 14160.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9440.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 8260.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 8260.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 4130.00 Rub
Price for non members: 10620.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 9440.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 9440.00 Rub
Price for non members: 16520.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 14160.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 14160.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 4130.00 Rub
Price for non members: 7700.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 3850.00 Rub
Price for non members: 5900.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4720.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 4720.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 16520.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 14160.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 14160.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 10620.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 9440.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 9440.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 4130.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 4130.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 5900.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4720.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 4720.00 Rub
Price for non members: 10620.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 9440.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 9440.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 5900.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4720.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 4720.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 4130.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 4720.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 3540.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 3540.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 5900.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4720.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 4720.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 4130.00 Rub
Price for non members: 4130.00 Rub
Price for non members: 10620.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 9440.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 9440.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 4130.00 Rub
Price for non members: 6490.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 5310.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 5310.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 4130.00 Rub
Price for non members: 10620.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 9440.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 9440.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 11000.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 8000.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 7000.00 Rub
Price for non members: 6000.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 3000.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 2000.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 10620.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 9440.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 9440.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 4130.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 10620.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 9440.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 9440.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 4130.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 4956.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4130.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 4130.00 Rub
Price for non members: 4130.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 3422.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 2832.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 2832.00 Rub
Price for non members: 8260.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4130.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 4130.00 Rub
Price for non members: 8260.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4130.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 8260.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4130.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9440.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 8260.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 8260.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9440.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 9440.00 Rub
Price for non members: 4130.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for non members: 10620.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 9440.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 9440.00 Rub
Price for non members: 10620.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 9440.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 9440.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 11800.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 10620.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 10620.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 4130.00 Rub
Price for non members: 8260.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4130.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 6490.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 5310.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 5310.00 Rub
Price for non members: 7670.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 6490.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 6490.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 4130.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 3540.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 3540.00 Rub
Price for non members: 4130.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 10620.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 9440.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 9440.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 8260.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4130.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 4130.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 4130.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 10620.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 9440.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 9440.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 4130.00 Rub
Price for non members: 5900.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4720.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 4720.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 5900.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4720.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 4720.00 Rub
Price for non members: 5900.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4720.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 4720.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 11800.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 11800.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 11800.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 11210.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 9440.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 9440.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for non members: 4130.00 Rub
Price for non members: 24780.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 21240.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 21240.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 7670.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 6490.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 6490.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 6136.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4956.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 4956.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 4130.00 Rub
Price for non members: 10620.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 9440.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 9440.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 16520.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 14160.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 14160.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 5900.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4720.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 4720.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 16520.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 14160.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 14160.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for non members: 8260.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4130.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4130.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 16520.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 14160.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 14160.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 21240.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 18880.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 18880.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9240.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4620.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 7670.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 6490.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 6490.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 28202.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 23482.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 23482.00 Rub
Price for non members: 30.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 20.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 11.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for non members: 6136.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4956.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 4956.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4130.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 8850.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 7080.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 7080.00 Rub
Price for non members: 17700.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 17700.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 17700.00 Rub
Price for non members: 17700.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 17700.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 17700.00 Rub
Price for non members: 12980.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 10620.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 10620.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9240.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4620.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 11800.00 Rub
Price for non members: 11800.00 Rub
Price for non members: 1.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 1.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 1.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9240.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4620.00 Rub
Price for non members: 12000.00 Rub
Price for non members: 48000.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 24000.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 24000.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9240.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9240.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4620.00 Rub
Price for non members: 25200.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 21600.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 21600.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9240.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4620.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9240.00 Rub
Price for non members: 8400.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 7200.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 7200.00 Rub
Price for non members: Rub
Price for additional members: Rub
Price for assigned members: Rub
Price for non members: Rub
Price for non members: Rub
Price for non members: Rub
Price for non members: Rub
Price for non members: Rub
Price for non members: Rub
Price for additional members: Rub
Price for non members: Rub
Price for non members: Rub
Price for non members: Rub
Price for non members: Rub
Price for additional members: Rub
Price for non members: Rub
Price for additional members: Rub
Price for assigned members: Rub
Price for non members: Rub
Price for non members: Rub
Price for additional members: Rub
Price for non members: Rub
Price for additional members: Rub
Price for non members: Rub
Price for additional members: Rub
Price for additional members: Rub
Price for non members: Rub
Price for additional members: Rub
Price for assigned members: Rub
Price for non members: Rub
Price for additional members: Rub
Price for non members: Rub
Price for additional members: Rub
Price for non members: Rub
Price for additional members: Rub
Price for non members: Rub
Price for additional members: Rub
Price for assigned members: Rub
Price for non members: Rub
Price for additional members: Rub
Price for non members: Rub
Price for additional members: Rub
Price for non members: Rub
Price for additional members: Rub
Price for non members: Rub
Price for non members: Rub
Price for additional members: Rub
Price for non members: Rub
Price for additional members: Rub
Price for assigned members: Rub
Price for non members: Rub
Price for additional members: Rub
Price for non members: Rub
Price for non members: Rub
Price for additional members: Rub
Price for non members: Rub
Price for additional members: Rub
Price for non members: Rub
Price for additional members: Rub
Price for non members: Rub
Price for additional members: Rub
Price for non members: Rub
Price for additional members: Rub
Price for non members: Rub
Price for additional members: Rub
Price for non members: Rub
Price for additional members: Rub
Price for assigned members: Rub
Price for non members: Rub
Price for additional members: Rub
Price for non members: Rub
Price for additional members: Rub
Price for assigned members: Rub
Price for non members: Rub
Price for additional members: Rub
Price for non members: Rub
Price for non members: Rub
Price for additional members: Rub
Price for non members: Rub
Price for additional members: Rub
Price for non members: Rub
Price for additional members: Rub
Price for non members: Rub
Price for non members: Rub
Price for additional members: Rub
Price for non members: Rub
Price for additional members: Rub
Price for non members: Rub
Price for non members: Rub
Price for non members: Rub
Price for additional members: Rub
Price for non members: Rub
Price for additional members: Rub
Price for non members: Rub
Price for additional members: Rub
Price for non members: Rub
Price for non members: Rub
Price for additional members: Rub
Price for non members: Rub
Price for non members: Rub
Price for additional members: Rub
Price for non members: Rub
Price for non members: Rub
Price for additional members: Rub
Price for assigned members: Rub
Price for non members: Rub
Price for additional members: Rub
Price for non members: Rub
Price for additional members: Rub
Price for non members: Rub
Price for additional members: Rub
Price for non members: Rub
Price for additional members: Rub
Price for non members: Rub
Price for non members: Rub
Price for additional members: Rub
Price for non members: Rub
Price for additional members: Rub
Price for non members: Rub
Price for additional members: Rub
Price for assigned members: Rub
Price for additional members: Rub
Price for additional members: Rub
Price for non members: Rub
Price for additional members: Rub
Price for non members: Rub
Price for additional members: Rub
Price for non members: Rub
Price for additional members: Rub
Price for assigned members: Rub
Price for non members: Rub
Price for additional members: Rub
Price for assigned members: Rub
Price for additional members: Rub
Price for non members: Rub
Price for additional members: Rub
Price for additional members: Rub
Price for non members: Rub
Price for non members: Rub
Price for additional members: Rub
Price for assigned members: Rub
Price for non members: Rub
Price for additional members: Rub
Price for assigned members: Rub
Price for non members: Rub
Price for additional members: Rub
Price for assigned members: Rub
Price for non members: 1.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 1.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 1.00 Rub
Price for non members: 8850.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 7080.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 7080.00 Rub
Price for non members: 16520.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 14160.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 14160.00 Rub
Price for non members: 16520.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 14160.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 14160.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9240.00 Rub
Price for non members: 25200.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 21600.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 21600.00 Rub
Price for non members: 24780.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 21240.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 21240.00 Rub
Price for non members: 16520.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 14160.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 14160.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 37454.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 18000.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 18000.00 Rub
Price for non members: 1.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 1.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 1.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9240.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4620.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 24000.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 24000.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9240.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4620.00 Rub
Price for non members: 5400.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9240.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4620.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9240.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4620.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9240.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9240.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4620.00 Rub
Price for non members: 6600.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9240.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4620.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9240.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4620.00 Rub
Price for non members: 8260.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4130.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 3600.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 3600.00 Rub
Price for non members: 25200.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 21600.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 21600.00 Rub
Price for non members: 16800.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 14400.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 14400.00 Rub
Price for non members: 16800.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 14400.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 14400.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 3000.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 3000.00 Rub
Price for non members: 4130.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9000.00 Rub
Price for non members: 4800.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9240.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4620.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 16520.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 14160.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 14160.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 24780.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 21240.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 21240.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 16520.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 14160.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 14160.00 Rub
Price for non members: 28202.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 23482.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 23482.00 Rub
Price for non members: 16520.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 14160.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 14160.00 Rub
Price for non members: 7080.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 5900.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 5900.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub
Price for non members: 16800.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 14400.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 14400.00 Rub
Price for non members: 1.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 1.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 1.00 Rub
Price for non members: 6000.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4200.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 4200.00 Rub
Price for non members: 10620.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 9440.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 9440.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for non members: 7670.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 6490.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 6490.00 Rub
Price for non members: 3540.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 2950.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 2950.00 Rub
Price for non members: 4130.00 Rub
Price for non members: 4800.00 Rub
Price for non members: 21600.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 21600.00 Rub
Price for non members: 10800.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 8400.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 8400.00 Rub
Price for non members: 7200.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4800.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 4800.00 Rub
Price for non members: 8260.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4130.00 Rub
Price for non members: 21600.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 18000.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 18000.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9000.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 7200.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 7200.00 Rub
Price for non members: 16800.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 14400.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 14400.00 Rub
Price for non members: 25200.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 21600.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 21600.00 Rub
Price for non members: 16800.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 14400.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 14400.00 Rub
Price for non members: 16800.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 14400.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 14400.00 Rub
Price for non members: 9000.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 7200.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 7200.00 Rub
Price for non members: 16800.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 14400.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 14400.00 Rub
Price for non members: 10800.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 8400.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 8400.00 Rub
Price for non members: 60000.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 48000.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 48000.00 Rub
Price for non members: 10800.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 8400.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 8400.00 Rub
Price for non members: 18000.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 14400.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 14400.00 Rub
Price for non members: 6000.00 Rub
Price for non members: 60000.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 48000.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 48000.00 Rub
Price for non members: 10800.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 8400.00 Rub
Price for assigned members: 8400.00 Rub



Октябрь, 2024


События 09.10.2024

All fields are required / Все поля обязательны к заполнению

Use LATIN letters only.

Name/ Имя *
Last Name / Фамилия *
Organisation/ Название компании *
E-mail *
Phone / Телефон *
Requires translation of the event / Требуется перевод мероприятия