Recent Changes in Tax and Immigration in the RF
HR COMMITTEE: Recent Changes in Tax and Immigration in the RF. Katerina Hotel, Moscow
HR Conference, Balchug
HR COMMITTEE: HR Conference: HR in a Difficult Environment. Baltschug Kempinski Hotel, Moscow.
Annual General Meeting 2007
AEB OPEN MEETING: Annual General Meeting. Baltschug Kempinski Hotel, Moscow
The Connection Between WTO Accession and the Development of EU - Russia Relations.
AEB OPEN MEETING: Meeting with M. Medvedkov, Head of Department of Trade Negotiations, Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, «The Connection Between WTO Accession and the Development of EU — Russia Relations».
Relations Between the Western World and Russia.
AEB OPEN MEETING: Relations Between the Western World and Russia: The Russian Point of View by a Non-Russian, Thierry de Montbrial, Director of the French Institute of International Relations (IFRI), the member of Institute (Academy of Social & Political Sciences). National Hotel, Moscow.
Customs Conference, St. Petersburg
CUSTOMS AND TRANSPORT COMMITTEE: Customs Conference and meeting between AEB and FTS. Corinthia Nevsky Palace Hotel, St. Petersburg.
IT for CEOs — Best Practice Update.
IT-TELECOM COMMITTEE: IT for CEOs — Best Practice Update. Marriott Grand Hotel, Moscow.
Swedish EuroReception
AEB OPEN MEETING: Swedish EuroReception. Swedish Embassy.
Open Meeting (upon Committee invitation only)
ENERGY COMMITTEE: Meeting with Leonid Grigoriev, Torsten Woellert and Mikhail Subbotin (upon Committee invitation only).
Structured Finance Market in Russia - Current and Future Trends.
FINANCE AND INVESTMENTS COMMITTEE, (CAPITAL MARKETS WG): Structured Finance Market in Russia — Current and Future Trends. PricewaterhouseCoopers, Moscow.
Taxation of Advertising Campaigns and Promotion Actions
TAXATION COMMITTEE: Taxation of Advertising Campaigns and Promotion Actions.
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