The AEB is pleased to invite you to participate in the open event organised by the AEB Real Estate Committee, titled “Foreign Currency Lease”.
The event will be held on April 28, 2016, from 09:00 am to 11:30 am (registration starts at 8:30), at AEB Conference Centre (Krasnoproletarskaya str., 16, bld. 3, ent. 8, fl. 4, office 8).
February 2016 was marked by a key event for the Russian commercial real estate market. The Moscow City Commercial Court finally released the full text of its high-profile decision in PAO Vimpel-Communications v. PAO Tizpribor. The court judicially modified a lease agreement, thus establishing upper and lower limits on the ruble / US dollar (RUB/USD) exchange rate, which the parties may use when calculating rent payments. If the VympelCom decision is upheld by the higher courts, this could trigger numerous lawsuits by tenants and completely turn the Russian commercial lease market into a rouble-based one.
The main goal of the upcoming Real Estate Committee’s Open event is to look into the rationale on which the court’s decision was based and to discuss with attendees whether this reasoning may trigger a wave of attempts to revise foreign-currency-denominated agreements on the Moscow lease market.
In addition, we will share our views on the legal instruments, which can be applied by tenants under foreign-currency-denominated leases in order to protect their rights and interests in the current volatile market circumstances.
The working language of the event is English. Interpretation into Russian will be provided.
Attendance fees:
Fee for representatives of AEB members is free;
Fee for representatives of non-member companies: 3,500 RUR (+18% VAT);
All payments are to be made through bank transfer or credit card, ahead of the event. Once the transfer is made, the sum is not refundable. Please note that online payment with personal or corporate credit card is available. Please choose the “online payment” link when registering.
Contact persons:
Programme: Saida Makhmudova, AEB Real Estate Committee Coordinator, , +7 (495) 234 27 64, ext. 151;
Registration online: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, , +7 (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127;
Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Administrative Manager, tel. 7 (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, .
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