Открытое мероприятие АЕБ: Презентация инвестиционного потенциала Краснодарского края

AEB Open event

Тип Открытое
Язык Русский
Перевод Да
Пресса Открыто для прессы
Информация о мероприятии

The AEB is pleased to invite you to the “Presentation of the Investment potential of the Krasnodar Region and meeting with the Governor of the region”.

The event will take place on 10 February 2016 at AEB Conference Center (ul. Krasnoproleraskya, 16 bld. 3 entrance 8, 4th floor,office 8) from 13:30 till 16:00 (registration starts from 13:00).

 Registration will close as soon as we reach the maximum number of participants and in any case by 9 February ,2016, 12:00.

The discussion will be focused on the Investment Climate, as well as the Industrial potential of the Region.

Speakers at the event will include:

-    Mr.Veniamin Kondratiev, Governor of Krasnodar Region;

-    Mr.Sergey Altukhov, Deputy head of administration (governor) of Krasnodar region;

-    Representatives of European companies active in the Region

Please note that participation is open only to the management of AEB member companies.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please note that we will accept only one representative from each AEB Member company and two - from AEB Sponsor companies.

The working languages of the meeting are Russian and English. Interpretation will be provided.

Attendance Fees

Assigned representatives of AEB member companies - free of charge.

Fee for additional representatives of AEB members is 3,850 RUR (+18% VAT);

Fee for representatives of non-member companies is 7,700 RUB (+18% VAT);

All payments are to be made through bank transfer or credit card, ahead of the event. Once the transfer is made, the sum is not refundable. Please note that online payment with personal or corporate credit card is available. Please choose the “online payment” link when registering.

Contact persons: 

Programme: Olga Pavlyuk,  Regional Development Director, olga.pavlyuk@aebrus.ru

Tel.234 27 64 ext. 130

Online registration: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru       

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Office Manager, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru 


Конференц-центр АЕБ, г. Москва, ул. Краснопролетарская, д. 16, стр. 3, подъезд 8, этаж 4, офис 8


Аккредитованный представитель: 0₽ Дополнительный представитель: 4 543₽ Не член АЕБ: 9 086₽
Регистрация для участников закрыта
Price for non members: 9086.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4543.00 Rub



Июль, 2024


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Use LATIN letters only.

Name/ Имя *
Last Name / Фамилия *
Organisation/ Название компании *
E-mail *
Phone / Телефон *
Requires translation of the event / Требуется перевод мероприятия