The AEB is pleased to invite you to a seminar followed by a reception organised on the occasion of the Vice-President Tajani Mission for Growth to Russia.
This event will take place on 17 June 2013 starting at 5 PM in the presence of Mr. Tajani in the Hotel Nikolskaya Kempinski (Ul. Nikolskaya 12).
Please find attached the programme.
A European business delegation (so-called “Mission for Growth”), led by Vice-President and Commissioner for Enterprise and Industry, Antonio Tajani, will come to Russia between 17 and 19 June 2013. High-level political meetings and business opportunities events are being organised in the framework of this mission.
These visits will have the objectives to (1) promote sustainable and inclusive growth in both trading partners; (2) help companies – SMEs in particular – to operate in Russia; and (3) promote European industry in targeted sectors by participating in matchmaking events with local entrepreneurs.
Please note that this event is open only to the top management of AEB member companies and that registration will be closed as soon as the maximum number of participants is reached. Please bear in mind that we can accept only one participant from each AEB member company.
Please click here to register.
Sponsorship opportunities are still available. Please find attached the sponsorship packages.
Programme and sponsorship:
Marie Rondelez, AEB Events Director and Adviser on EU Affairs, , tel. +7 495 234 27 64, ext. 118
Julia Bendel, AEB Marketing and Communications Director,, tel. +7 495 234 27 64 ext. 126.
Registration online: Ekaterina Ostrikova, , tel: + 7 495 234 27 64 (ext. 127)
We look forward to seeing you there!
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