Главная/Мероприятия/ОНЛАЙН ВЕБИНАР: "Увольнение с работы во время вспышки COVID-19"
ОНЛАЙН ВЕБИНАР: "Увольнение с работы во время вспышки COVID-19"
AEB Open event
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On the basis of the online platform, AEB holds a series of webinars under the General title "HR issues and labor law in the period of the coronavirus".
The eighth webinar will be held on Thursday, April 30, 2020 from 11.00 till 12.00.
The speakers will be Irina Skvortsova, Senior Associate, CMS Russia and Ekaterina Elekchyan, Senior Associate, CMS Russia.
At the webinar we will discuss the following topic: “Employment termination during COVID-19 outbreak” with a focus on the following:
How to treat the “ban for dismissals” announced by Mintrud?
Which grounds for dismissal are applicable under the current circumstances?
Mutual consent vs staff redundancy: pros and cons
Practical issues connected with formalisation of employment termination during “non-working” days
All registered participants of the webinar will be sent a link to connect to the webinar and a code.