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St. Petersburg International Legal Forum (SPBILF) is a unique international conference that brings together the leading minds of the legal profession. The annual SPBILF, founded in 2011, is organized with the support of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation and the President of the Russian Federation. Over the years, the SPBILF has emerged as a foremost international platform for discussing a broad range of urgent questions confronting the contemporary international community of legal professionals.
Over 4,000 lawyers from 79 countries attended the 111 events of the SPBILF business programme in 2017. Over 500 speakers brought up highly topical issues, from court practice and antitrust regulation to the impact of technology on jurisprudence and the protection of cultural heritage, as the diverse discussion formats unfolded.
The Business Programme of the VIII SPBILF features over 40 discussion sessions covering a broad spectrum of topics in law, enterprise, politics and culture, subsumed under 9 theme tracks:
1.International Law. Justice. Rule of Law
2.Legal Profession
3.Smart Society
4.International Projects. Investments. Finance
5.Litigation and Arbitration Practice. Dispute Resolution
6.Culture. Education
7.Subsoil Use. Energy. Ecology
8.Private Law
9.New Challenges: New Competition Policy
The II International Insolvency Forum will take place on May, 16-18 as a part of the VIII SPBILF. First held during SPBILF 2017, the Forum offered world-class debate on matters of pressing concern in insolvency. This year, the participants will again have the opportunity to discuss a range of insolvency issues currently on the global socioeconomic agenda.
The upcoming SPBILF will include a gala ceremony, in which the winner of the St. Petersburg International Legal Forum Private Law Prize will be awarded. Established in 2017, the conferral of this truly global academic award is intended as a testimony of its winner’s ultimate academic excellence, while the cash component of the Prize is meant to advance the realization of the laureate’s ideas of worldwide significance.