АЕБ Открытое мероприятие "Тенденции и перспективы развития пенсионной системы в России"

AEB Open event

Тип Открытое
Язык Русский
Перевод Да
Пресса Открыто для прессы
Информация о мероприятии

AEB open event “Trends and Prospects of Pensions System in Russia”, organized by the Insurance and Pensions Committee.

The event will be held on Tuesday, April 9th, 2013, in Moscow at the AEB Conference Center, ul. Krasnoproletarskaya 16 bld. 3, entrance 8, floor 4, office 8, from 9:15 till 12:30 (registration starts at 08:45).

The open event will give the audience a thorough update on the pensions reform and market as well as the analyses of the future of the pension system in Russia. The event will also provide a platform for discussion of corporate pension programs and for exchange of experience of practical implementation of different pension solutions. In addition, this event will be a unique networking opportunity.

For details, please see the attached program. Please note that the program is liable to change upon confirmation of speakers, as well as response from sponsors.

The working language of the event is Russian. Translation will not be provided.

We would like to inform you that sponsorship opportunities are still available. Please find attached the sponsorship package.


Attendance fees:

AEB members’ participation for assigned representatives is free of charge;

Fee for additional representatives of AEB members is 3,500 RUR (+18% VAT);

Fee for representatives of non-member companies: 7,000 RUR (+18% VAT);

All payments are to be made by bank transfer. Once registration is closed the fee is non-refundable.


Program: AEB Trends and Prospects of Pensions System in Russia_RUS.pdf

Contact persons:

Program and sponsorship: Anna Tsiulina, AEB Committees Coordinator, tel. (495) 234.27.64, ext.124, at@aebrus.ru.

Registration online: Ekaterina Ostrikova, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64 ext. 127, events@aebrus.ru.


Конференц-зал АЕБ (Москва, ул. Kраснопролетарская, 16, стр. 3, подъезд 8, 4 этаж, офис 8)


Аккредитованный представитель: 0₽ Дополнительный представитель: 4 130₽ Не член АЕБ: 8 260₽


Январь, 2025


События 25.01.2025

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Name/ Имя *
Last Name / Фамилия *
Organisation/ Название компании *
E-mail *
Phone / Телефон *
Requires translation of the event / Требуется перевод мероприятия