Локализация европейских компаний в России: региональный аспект. Круглый стол и посещение площадок

AEB Open event

Тип Открытое
Язык Английский и Русский
Перевод Нет
Пресса Закрыто для прессы
Информация о мероприятии

The Association of European Businesses is pleased to invite you to the open event “Localization of European companies in Russia: regional aspect. Round table and visit to the localization sites of the Special Economic Zone “Lipetsk” with the participation of Alexander Morozov, Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade. The event will take place on September 9, 2021, at the Special Economic Zone “Lipetsk”.

Round table discussion will cover the advantages, trends, government policy, current programs and instruments of support for localization. European companies, residents of the SEZ “Lipetsk” will share their experience in localization of cooperation with the regional authorities. Special focus will be also put on the HR support for localization.

For offline participation please register via Evgeny Kuznetsov, Regional development coordinator, evgeny.kuznetsov@aebrus.ru, tel.+ 7 906 057 33 21.

Online translation will be also available. All registered online participants will be sent a link to connect to the event.

The working language of the event is Russian, interpretation will be provided upon prior request.

For further details, please see the program of the event.

Липецкая область


Аккредитованный представитель: 0₽ Дополнительный представитель: 4 620₽
Регистрация для участников закрыта
Price for non members: 9240.00 Rub
Price for additional members: 4620.00 Rub



Программа и спонсорство Evgeny Kuznetsov +7 495 234 27 64, ext. 154 evgeny.kuznetsov@aebrus.ru

Июль, 2024


All fields are required / Все поля обязательны к заполнению

Use LATIN letters only.

Name/ Имя *
Last Name / Фамилия *
Organisation/ Название компании *
E-mail *
Phone / Телефон *
Requires translation of the event / Требуется перевод мероприятия