AEB partners with first Prix Galien Russia

Supported Events

Event information
Moscow, 15th of January 2013 

The Association of European Businesses in Russia is delighted to announce that it has agreed to become an organization partner of the first Prix Galien Russia. Around the world the Prix Galien recognizes the technical, scientific and clinical research skills necessary to develop innovative medicines. 

In 2013, the inaugural Prix Galien Russia awards will be announced in the following categories:
  • Best Pharmaceutical Agent 
  • Best Biotechnology Product 
  • Best Medical technology

After a completely independant Jury comprised of eminent specialists involved in the sphere of Russian and international Pharmaceutical Research select the winners, they will receive a medal at a gala ceremony in Moscow.

Around the World, the Prix Galien awards outstanding achievements in improving the global human condition through the development of innovative therapies. It is considered to be the industry’s equivalent of the Nobel Prize, and the highest accolade for pharmaceutical research and development. 

The Prix Galien was created in 1970 in honor of Galen, the father of medical research and pharmacology. Since its creation, the Galien award has been a prestigious honor, closely monitored by all those interested in pharmaceutical research, including public authorities, scientists, pharmaceutical companies and medical media. 

For more information about the Prix Galien Russia, application procedures or sponsorship possibilities contact the General Secretary, Prix Galien Russia: 