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AEB Annual General Meeting: List of candidates for the Board and Auditing Commission


We would like to inform you that the AEB Annual General Meeting 2018 will take place on the 25 April 2018,  starting at 17:00 (registration from 16.15) in Renaissance Moscow Monarch Centre Hotel, Leningradskiy Prospekt 31 A bld.1.


You are kindly invited to participate in the AEB Annual General Meeting 2018.  At the AGM members will be given the opportunity to elect members of the AEB Board and the Auditing Commission (AC).

You may have a look at the list of candidates together with their biographies and photos.

Please note that if none of the assigned members of your company will participate in the AEB Annual General Meeting 2018 on April the 25th, 2018, your company will be given the opportunity starting from April the 4th, 2018 to vote for the candidates for the AEB Board and the Auditing Commission (AC) by the Remote Voting (according to point 5.2.11 of the AEB Charter) by sending completed ballots by faх or registered mail to the law firm Castrén & Snellman International Ltd before 24 April 2018, 18:00 Moscow Time (detailed information on this you will receive through the AEB mailing system on April the 4th, 2018 together with the Registration and Proxy forms for the Annual General Meeting).

Please be aware that each company has only one vote and that only AEB Members that have paid their membership fees for 2018 will be allowed to vote during the AGM 2018.

Presentation aeb-board-nominees-29.03.2018.pdf View/Open