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“AEB Business Dating”


On 10 December 2015, the AEB Small & Medium-Sized Enterprises Committee held its open event “AEB Business Dating”

The event was aimed at facilitating efforts by small and medium-sized companies to establish contacts with the international companies operating in Russia. The participants had an opportunity to engage in face to face meetings and introduce their solutions and services to the following companies: ALD Automotive Russia/Rosbank, Allianz, CEB SHL Talent Measurement Solutions (Business Psychologists Ltd), ENGIE (known as GDF SUEZ), Fenice Rus LLC, FLSmidth Rus, Messe Frankfurt RUS, METRO GROUP, ROCA, TMF Group, and YIT. The international companies were represented by executives responsible for management, HR, procurement, communications, logistics, event organisation, etc.

L–R: Participants of the event
