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AEB companies took part in the Russian Retail Week


On May 27 - 30, the anniversary 10th Russian Retail Week was held in Moscow, bringing together the largest representatives of the industry and relevant federal and regional authorities.

The most actual issues of regulation and functioning of the trading industry were discussed within the event: import and brand substitution, the initiative for “Russian shelves”, regulation of marketplaces, the fight against counterfeiting, control and supervisory activities, logistics, work in the sanctions regime, export support and much more.

From the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia, the new Minister of Industry and Trade Anton Alikhanov, State Secretary-Deputy Minister Viktor Evtukhov and Director of the Department of Domestic Trade Development Nikita Kuznetsov took part in the sessions. 

AEB member companies dealing with the consumer market - the production of goods, their retail sale and the provision of related services to business - took part in the events of all four days of the forum's business program as speakers and discussion participants. The AEB Retail Trade Committee held its regular meeting at the forum.
