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AEB Deputy CEO and GR Director Bogdan Plakhotnikov spoke at the Annual Foreign Investment Advisory Council meeting of the Ulyanovsk region


On February 18, 2021 Deputy CEO and GR Director of AEB Bogdan Plakhotnikov took part in the Annual Foreign Investment Advisory Council meeting of the Ulyanovsk region chaired by the governor Sergey Morozov

The discussion program included three main blocks: reloading of foreign investments in Russia, support and protection of investments in practice, and a dialogue about energy. 


Bogdan shared experience of the AEB members in 2020 and their expectations with regard of the foreign investments in Russia as based on the findings of the AEB Annual Business survey

Ulyanovsk region, highly placed In the  Russina investment ratings, hosts many of AEB members, including such companies as Hempel, Henkel, Legrand and Isuzu.
