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AEB-EU Delegation meeting "Improving the Business Environment for SMEs in Russia”


On 9 April 2019, the EU SMEs’ meeting ”Improving the Business Environment for SMEs in Russia”, organized by the EU Delegation to Russia in cooperation with the AEB, took place.

The meeting provided a platform for a discussion on current key issues related to SMEs and entrepreneurship in Russia. 

It was aimed to raise awareness of European SMEs operating in Russia on available instruments to address the main challenges and to better exploit the market opportunities.

Presentations are avaialble HERE

Photo L-R: Nikita Bantsekin, Board Member/Head of Department for Investment Policy and Entrepreneurs Development, Ministry of Economic Development of the RF; Andrey Tarakanov, Deputy Head of Department for Investment Policy and Entrepreneurs Development, Ministry of Economic Development of the RF; Boris Titov, Presidential Commissioner on Entrepreneurs’ Rights; Markus Ederer, Ambassador – Head of the EU Delegation to Russia; Frank Schauff, AEB CEO; Tadzio Schilling, Chairman of the AEB SME Committee, Associate Director, Business Development, Foreign Desk Organisation, EY (moderator).
