AEB Finance and Investments and Legal Committees Open event: “SPIC or not SPIC?”
On November 29th, 2018, the AEB Finance and Investments and AEB Legal Committees held an open event “SPIC or not SPIC?”.
The opening remarks were delivered by Frank Schauff, AEB CEO. Stuart Lawson, AEB Finance and Investments Committee Chairman / AEB Board member / EY, and Sergey Krokhalev, AEB Legal Committee Chairman / Baker McKenzie, moderated the event.
The event focused on the SPIC mechanism and recent developments around it and involved such distinguished speakers as Sergey Vologodsky, Deputy Director, Industrial Development Fund, and Maxim Chereshnev, First Deputy Director General, Moscow Region Development Corporation. Experts from leading law consulting firms discussed key tax, legal aspects of SPIC, as well as comparative analysis of SPIC 2.0 and SZPK.
During the event, the AEB and Industrial Development Fund (IDF) signed the Memorandum of cooperation.
The presentations are available for downloading (please LogIn and scroll to the bottom of the web-page).
Photo: L-R: Frank Schauff, AEB; Sergey Vologodsky, Industrial Development Fund; Maxim Chereshnev, Moscow Region Development Corporation; Stuart Lawson, EY; Sergey Krokhalev, Baker McKenzie.