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AEB flagship conference


On October 25, 2023, the AEB held its annual flagship conference « European Business in Russia: How to Maintain Bridges in a World Drifting Apart?». Representatives from the Russian authorities, economists and analysts, as well as representatives of the European businesses in Russia discussed future economic scenarios.

Alexander Liberov, Chairman of the Board of AEB, opened the conference. 

The first session «Enhancing the Dialogue Between Business and Government» was moderated by AEB CEO Tadzio Schilling. The session speakers were representatives of government agencies: Tatiana Ilyushnikova, Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, Anatoly Aksakov, Chairman, Finance Committee of the State Duma, Elena Ovsyannikova, Deputy Director of Department, Ministry of Industry and Trade, Artem Kononenko, Deputy Head, Main Directorate for Supervision of the Execution of Federal Legislation, Head of the Department for Supervision of Compliance with the Rights of Entrepreneurs, General Prosecutor’s Office.

In the second session, moderated by Alexander Ivlev, Coordinator of Foreign Participants, FIAC, the economists discussed the issues of the Russian economy development. Artem Arkhipov, Chief Economist, AO Unicredit Bank, Mikhail Chaikin, General Director, ING BANK (EURASIA) JSC, Sofya Donets, Chief Economist, Russia & CIS, Renaissance Capital, Evgeny Nadorshin, Chief Economist, PF Capital, took part in the discussion.

Participants in the third session, moderated by Philippe Pegorier, Deputy Chairman, AEB Board, Kesarev, discussed what kind of dialogue is needed between business and Government to solve new problems as they arise. Boris Titov, Presidential Commissioner for Entrepreneurs’ Rights, Alexey Grigoryev, Director for Corporate Public Policy, METRO Russia, Irina Panarina, General Director, AstraZeneca Russia/Eurasia, Ulf Schneider, Founder & President, SCHNEIDER GROUP, Elena Tiabutova, President, Unilever Rus, Richard Van Wageningen, Senior Vice-President, region IMEAR (Indirect, Middle East, Africa, Russia), Orange Business Services participated in the discussion. 

We are glad to express our gratitude to the companies supported our event as the sponsors: SCHNEIDER GROUP (Platinum Sponsor), METRO (Silver Sponsor).
