AEB HAMC chairman presented the initiative at IRHMA General Meeting
At the Annual General Meeting of IRHMA (The International Roundtable of Household Appliance Manufacturer Associations) held on May 17, 2024, Pavel Rudyakov, Chairman of the AEB Household Appliance Manufacturers Committee, told the participants about the planned changes in the legislation of the CIS countries.
As one of the important issues within the framework of initiatives to create a closed-cycle economy in the Russian Federation, AEB discussed with colleagues the current trends towards digitalization and the transition from paper user manuals to their electronic counterparts (QR codes, digital copies downloaded to devices, digital storage media). The participants of the conference agreed that the refusal from paper user manuals is already in a natural way, the number and thickness of paper documents is constantly decreasing in all industries, for household appliances it is also characteristic and should soon be reflected at the legislative level in the normative acts on technical regulation. This initiative will reduce the environmental impact of household appliances.