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AEB Hotels and Tourism Committee has met with Rospotrebnadzor of Moscow


On May 16, 2018, AEB Hotels and Tourism Committee has met with Rospotrebnadzor of Moscow. 

The meeting was aimed to inform about the requirements of Rospotrebnadzor on sanitary legislation, consumer protection legislation for accommodation facilities, requirements for catering and medical services, as well as additional preventive measures to minimize epidemiological risks during World Cup FIFA 2018. 

The meeting was chaired by Elena Andreeva, Head of Rospotrebnadzor of Moscow. 

During the meeting the following topics were covered by Rospotrebnadzor’s authorities: 

Презентация Фомкиной Ноны Роспотребнадзор медицина_16.05.2018.pdf View/Open
Презентация Худобородов АИ Роспотребнадзор_ общие меры_16.05.2018.pdf View/Open
Презентация Кравченко В.В. Роспотребнадзор_контроль цен_ 16_05_18.pdf View/Open