AEB IMobility Working Group dicussed the prospects of development of electric vehicles in Russia
On October 23, 2019, Automobile Manufacturers Committee IMobility Working Group, chaired by Tatiana Gorovaya (Nissan Manufacturing Rus) held a meeting devoted to the prospects of development of electric vehicles in Russia.
Moscow city and Moscow region cases were discussed. The meeting was well attended by representatives of the state and regional bodies including Gagik Kocharyan, the director of Department of customs tariff and non-tariff regulation of the Eurasian Economic Commission; Grigoriy Mikryukov, Analitical Center for the Government of the Russian Federation; Leonid Neganov, PAO Rosseti; Gennadiy Sidenko, Rosseti Moscow Region; Alexei Mityaev, Department of Transport and Road Infrastructure of Moscow; representatives of Schneider Electric and automobile manufacturers as well as other invited quests.
The meeting participants discussed and noted good progress in the development of the infrastructure necessary for the electric vehicles in Moscow city and in Moscow region and shared plans for the future. Automobile manufacturers highlighted importance and requested the EEC to support the Belarus initiative to introduce 0% customs duty for the import of electric vehicles. This temporary measure in a combination with other planned can push rapid increase of the electric vehicles market in the EAEU countries. In general, all the participants stressed importance of the “green technologies” especially for the big cities and agreed to continue the dialogue.