AEB Labor Law Sub-Committee’s webinar on selected labor relations issues
On September 30, 2024, the AEB Labor Law Sub-Committee (of the AEB HR Committee) held a webinar titled "Selected labor relations issues in the current challenging environment".
The experts discussed the new rules for changing the CEO in a company, recent cases regarding foreign CEOs in companies, employer's responsibilities in case of emergency.
Vitalia Kuznetsova, Head of Group, Employment and Migration Law Practice, Pepeliaev Group talked about employer’s actions in a state of emergency: legal obligations and practical measures.
Elena Pitirimova, Partner, and Georgy Mzhavanadze, Partner, MELLING, VOITISHKIN & PARTNERS talked about the practical issues related to the current changes in legislation and court practice in dismissal of top managers.
Evgeny Reyzman, AEB Labour Law Sub-Committee Chairperson moderated the webinar.