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AEB open event “Sanctions, an evolving story”


On 28 May 2018, the AEB held the open event “Sanctions, an evolving story” organized by the AEB Finance and Investments Committee.

The event gave the audience an opportunity to hear Tom Adshead, Chief Operating Officer, Macro-Advisory Ltd, on Russia business update and the guide to the new government, Ethan Heinz, Counsel, Dentons, on the recent US sanctions designations and their implications and Alexander Anichkin, Partner, Clifford Chance, on Russia’s proposed new counter-sanctions. 

At the event, the experts shared their thoughts and opinions on developments in the operating environment under sanctions and the participants raised numerous questions with regard to the draft law on criminal responsibility for complying sanctions of foreign states on the Russian territory and deliberately facilitating its introduction, US sanctions and impact of the sanctions on the Russian economy, as well as many others.

The event was moderated by Stuart Lawson, Chairman of the AEB Finance and Investments Committee and AEB Board member / EY. 

The welcome speech was made by Frank Schauff, AEB CEO.

The presentation by Tom Adshead is available here.

Photo L-REthan Heinz, Dentons; Alexander Anichkin, Clifford Chance; Tom Adshead, Macro-Advisory Ltd; Stuart Lawson, AEB Finance and Investments Committee Chairman / EY; Frank Schauff, AEB CEO.

28.05.2018 ENG CTT Forum.pdf View/Open
28.05.2018 RUS CTT Forum.pdf View/Open