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AEB open event “Sanctions: Where are we now, what next?”


On 19 April 2018, the AEB held the open event “Sanctions: Where are we now, what next?” organized jointly by the AEB Finance&Investments and Legal Committees.

The event gave the audience an opportunity to hear Ethan Heinz, Counsel, Dentons, on the recent US sanctions designations and their implications and Alexander Anichkin, Partner, Clifford Chance, on Russia’s proposed new counter-sanctions. 

At the event, the experts shared their thoughts and opinions and the participants raised numerous questions with regard to the latest US sanctions and Russia’s reaction to them and what they might bring to companies operating in Russia.

The event was moderated by Stuart Lawson, Chairman of the AEB Finance and Investments Committee, EY. The welcome speech was made by Frank Schauff, AEB CEO.

The presentations are available for downloading (presentation by Ethan Heinz and presentation by Alexander Anichkin).

Photo L-REthan Heinz, Dentons; Alexander Anichkin, Clifford Chance; Stuart Lawson, AEB Finance & Investments Committee Chairman / EY; Frank Schauff, AEB CEO.

Presentation_Anichkin_Russia proposes new counter-sanctions.pdf View/Open
Presentation_Heinz_AEB new US sanctions presentation.pdf View/Open
AEB secretary position (2).pdf View/Open
ассистент генерального директора.pdf View/Open