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AEB representative participated in the first meeting of the Public Council under the Federal Customs Service (FCS)


On December 11, 2018, Dmitry Cheltsov, AEB Customs and Transport Committee Chairperson, took part in the first meeting of the Public Council under the Federal Customs Service (FCS). 

Vladimir Bulavin, Head of the Federal Customs Service, opened the meeting with a welcome speech and outlined the main goals and objectives of  FCS of Russia and highlighted the role of the Public Council in the elaboration of the Customs Service Development Strategy 2030. 

A draft Public Council activity plan was discussed at the meeting. Mr. Bulavin called on the members of the Council to join forces and facilitate the execution of the Presidential Order «On national goals and strategic tasks of the Russian Federation development until 2024». 

The members of the Council unilaterally elected Leonid Lozbenko as the Chairman of the Public Council and Georgy Petrov, Council of the President of the Russian Chamber of Commerce, and Sergey Sovdagarov, Chairman of the Association “Noncommercial Partnership of Professional Customs Operators” as his Deputy Chairpersons. 

The New Statute of the Public Council under the Federal Customs Service was adopted by the FCS Order # 1684 of 17.10.2018. The Composition of the Public Council was approved by the FCS Order # 1825 of 13.11.2018 

Приказ 1684 ОС.TIF View/Open
Приказ 1825.tif View/Open