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AEB representatives spoke at an online conference on the development of the Krasnodar region


On November 9, 2021, Tadzio Schilling, AEB CEO, and Oleg Zharko, Chairman of the AEB Southern Regional Committee, Regional Director for Corporate Affairs and Government Relations of Danone Group in Russia, spoke at the online conference "Sustainable Development and Business of Companies: Regional Context", held within the framework of the program "Time for New Strategies".

The conference organizers were the Public Chamber of Krasnodar Region, Southern Regional Committee of the Association of European Businesses (AEB), Association "Agency for Investment and International Cooperation", Krasnodar Regional Branch of RSPP, and Russian-English weekly magazine YUG Times.

Welcoming speech was made by Lyubov Popova, Chairperson of the Public Chamber of Krasnodar Region, while Alisa Andreeva, Chair of the Corporate Social Responsibility Committee of the Krasnodar Regional Branch of the RUIE, Manager for Corporate Affairs of Philip Morris International (PMI) Russia moderated the meeting.

Conference participants discussed how a commitment to sustainable development goals influences the formation of the region's social and economic development strategy, and how companies implement sustainable development goals in their business strategies.

Speakers at the conference were: Julia Avdeeva, Communications and Corporate Affairs Manager, "Nestlé Kuban"; Ralph Bendish, General Director of the CLAAS factory, Honorary Consul of the Federal Republic of Germany in the Krasnodar region, Deputy Chairman of the AEB Southern Regional Committee; Ivan Kukhnin, Risk Management Department Partner and Head of Sustainability Services Group, Deloitte CIS, Moscow; Diana Lipin, Lipin and others. Diana Lipinskaya, Director of the Krasnodar branch of Bank Center-Invest; Natalia Minzhulova, Head of the Southern Branch, Director of the Regional Center "Southern" of JSC "Banca Intesa" and others.
