AEB representatives took part in the online-conference "New strategies of government and business in the face of new risks" in Krasnodar
On May 14, 2020, the online-conference "New strategies of government and business in the face of new risks" was held in Krasnodar.
The online discussion was held within the framework of the long-term program "Time for new strategies", organized by the Public chamber of Krasnodar region, the AEB Southern regional Committee, the Russian-English weekly "YUG Times", Krasnodar regional branch of the "Russian Union of Industrialists and entrepreneurs".
The event was moderated by Oleg Zharko, Chairman of the AEB Southern regional Committee, Regional Corporate Affairs Director, group of companies Danone in Russia.
Tadzio Schilling, СEO of the Association of European businesses, and Lyubov Popova, Chairman of the Krasnodar region Public chamber, addressed the participants of the discussion with a welcome speeches.
The discussion focused on two main blocks: business strategies in the face of uncertainty, including companies ' decisions to protect employees, and measures of state support for business during and after the quarantine.
Alexander Ruppel, Minister of economy of the Krasnodar region, Yuri Shevchenko, Deputy head of the Department of investment and development of SME of the Krasnodar territory, and Dmitry Korolev, head of the Krasnodar region industrial development Fund, spoke about the measures being implemented by the regional authorities.
Alexander Polidy, Chairman of the Commission on economy, industrial and agro-industrial sector, integrated rural development, support for SME of the Public chamber of Krasnodar region, focused on changes in consumer behavior and the importance of forming new relations between the state and business.
Business representatives told about the rapid adaptation to the new working conditions: Ralf Bendisch, General Director of the CLAAS plant in Krasnodar, honorary Consul of Germany in the Krasnodar, Deputy Chair of the AEB Southern regional Committee; Igor Brener, Employee Experience, Cargill GHRS Russia, Chairman of the HR Subcommittee of the AEB Southern regional Committee; Vladislav Kalashnikov, head of the branch "Philip Morris Kuban" JSC "Philip Morris Izhora".
Public representative of the ASI in the Krasnodar territory Ekaterina Kodzasova presented the data of a survey of entrepreneurs conducted ASI in the region.
Diana Lipinskaya, Director of the Krasnodar branch of Center-invest Bank, and Natalia Minzhulova, Manager of the Southern branch of Banca Intesa, told about the tools of financial support for business and the risks and concerns of banks.
At the end of the conference, participants developed a resolution with key proposals and conclusions made during the discussion, which will be sent to all interested parties.
Main photo: Tadzio Schilling, СEO of the Association of European businesses, and Lyubov Popova, Chairman of the Krasnodar region Public chamber