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AEB Southern regional committee AGM 2019


On March 21 Annual general meeting of the AEB Southern regional Committee (SRC) was held in Krasnodar. The event took place at the office of Knauf company.

Regional AGM was attended by Ruslan Kokarev, AEB Chief Operating Officer.
He told the participants about the the AEB activities, about meetings with representatives of the authorities, current issues for foreign business in Russia and the Association's plans for 2019.
Oleg Zharko made a report on the activities of the AEB Southern regional committee Steering group  in 2018.

Anna Kalmykova reminded about the preparation of the Annual report on work with foreign investors, which will be presented at the meeting of the Regional Foreign Investment Advisory Council under the Governor of Krasnodar region.

Igor Brener focused on the work of Business Schools at the Kuban state technological and agrarian universities, which have been working with the support of the AEB Southern regional committee member companies for 5 years already.
