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On December 5, 2018 AEB held the XI Annual Migration Conference titled as “DIALOGUE: MIGRATION LAW  IN  PRACTICE” with participation of the representatives of the General Migration Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, representatives of the Moscow and Moscow Region Migration Directorates of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs at the HYATT REGENCY Hotel Moscow.

The Event was organized by AEB Migration Committee and moderated by Ludmila Shiryaeva, AEB Migration Committee Chairperson, EY.

Alexander Aksenov, Deputy Head of General Migration Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation informed about the recent legislative developments in migration sphere, new concept of migration policy in the Russian Federation, commented to the questions of the Conference’s participants regarding application of new rules for migration registering foreign citizens in the Russian Federation, which were approved by the Federal Law No. 163-FZ of June 27, 2018 and entered into force on July 8, 2018. 

Nadezda Voronina, Head of control and supervision Department, the General Migration Directorate, Ministry of Internal Affairs, presented new procedures, established by Federal Law № 216-FZ of July 19, 2018 and 215- FZ of July 19, 2018, - for inviting parties to control expatriate’s activity in Russia and its compliance with the declared purpose of entering country, as well as period of staying in accordance with visa. 

Alexey Filipenkov, Deputy Chairperson of AEB Migration Committee, Partner, Visa-Delight, presented practical issues with regard to new migration registration rules implementation. 

Andrey Slepov, Deputy Chairperson of AEB Migration Committee, Partner, BEITEN BURKHARDT, made a presentation on liability for violations in the sphere of migration registration and draw attention to the possible inspections of MVD in the sphere of migration. 

Alexander Borisov, Vice-President Government relations and Communications, Russia and Central Asia, Schlumberger, and Svetlana Kolupaeva, HR HUB Manager, Russia and Central Asia, Schlumberger, presented business point of view and impact of new migration registration law to the company activities in Russia and huge costs entitled by this law.

Ekaterina Matveeva, Senior Manager, People Advisory Services , EY, presented new notification requirements applied to companies that invite foreign individuals to Russia. 

Yulia Sivova, Manager, Global Employer Services, Tax and Legal department, Deloitte Consulting LLC, made a presentation about the purpose of entrance vs visa type, including practical aspects and tips for employers, comparison analysis and statistics, which were collected by conducting the Deloitte survey on this matter.  

Pavel Dutov, Deputy Head of External Labor Migration Department, the General Migration Directorate, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Igor Dudnik, Deputy Head of Moscow Migration Directorate, Ministry of Internal Affairs; Kirill Adzinov, Head of Work Permit and Visa Department, General Migration Directorate, Ministry of Internal Affairs; Yuriy Konobeevsky, Head of Migration Registration Division, General Migration Directorate, Ministry of Internal Affairs; Konstantin Pavlov, Head of division on control of foreign employees staying in Russia, Moscow region Migration Directorate, Ministry of internal Affairs, took a part in the discussion of the acute issues, which were raised by the representatives of the AEB member – companies during the Conference. 

AEB Migration Committee and MVD agreed to continue the well-established constructive collaboration/dialog and regular meetings on expert level going forward.

Presentations of the speakers are available HERE
