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Best practices in health and safety in Russia


On 17 March 2017, the AEB Safety, Health, Environment & Security Committee held the Round Table entitled “Best practices in health and safety in Russia”.

The event was moderated by Konstantin von Vietinghoff-Scheel, Chairman of the Health & Safety Subcommittee. Olga Tikhomirnova, Corporate HSSE Adviser Russia & CEE, Shell Neft, reported about personnel road transport safety; Dmitry Kozlov, General Director, Tactise (Tactical Innovations in Safety and Excellence) spoke about integrated work safety system ”Indora”; Nikolay Tenshov, Occupational Health and Safety/ Environmental protection/ Fire Safety Team leader Mercedes-Benz RUS gave and overview of Mercedes-Benz health and safety programs in Russia.

The presentations are available for downloading: Mercedes-Benz presentation, Shell presentation, Tactise presentation.
