On 31 May 2016, Alexey Komissarov, Director of Industrial Development Fund, briefed AEB members. The event was hosted by the AEB Finance & Investments Committee and moderated by Stuart Lawson, Chairman of the AEB Finance & Investments Committee, Executive Director, EY. The welcoming speech was made by Frank Schauff, AEB CEO.
During the event Alexey Komissarov spoke about the Industrial Development Fund, its key directions and measures of support, special investments contracts (SPICs) and its benefits, etc. He also enthusiastically answered numerous questions with regard to various aspects of SPICs, status “local producer”, liability of investors, differences in comparison to other programmes of state support, adaptation of legislation and others.
L–R: Stuart Lawson, Chairman of the AEB Finance & Investments Committee, Executive Director, EY; Frank Schauff, AEB CEO; Alexey Komissarov, Director of Industrial Development Fund.