On 6 July 2016, the AEB Climate Policy Working Group (Safety, Health, Environment & Security Committee) held a round table titled “Carbon pricing: models, issues and proposals”.
The participants of the event discussed the current plans of carbon emissions regulation in Russia, implications and opportunities for business with regard to climate policy developments, and recent Russian business proposals and initiatives, including proposal on global universal carbon pricing, establishment of Russian Climate Partnership, launch of Integrated Programme for Climate Initiatives-based Carbon Registry. Anton Galenovich, Chairman the Climate Policy Working Group, moderated the event. Irina Shiryayeva, Head of Environmental Policy Division, Moscow City Environment Protection Department, Vladimir Lukin, KPMG, Aleksey Shadrin, “Russian Carbon” Fund, Sergey Sitnikov, Causa Privata, Pyotr Bubley, MosEnergo, and Ruslan Dzhumagaliev, Fortum, presented their positions on different climate policy related issues.
The full photoreport is available on our Facebook page.
The presentations are available here:
R–L: Irina Shiryayeva, Head of Environmental Policy Division, Moscow City Environment Protection Department; Anton Galenovich, Chairman the Climate Policy Working Group, ECOCOM; Aleksey Shadrin, “Russian Carbon” Fund.