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Conference "HR-trends of international companies in South Russia"


On May 30th, 2019, the 11th annual conference "HR trends of international companies of South Russia" was held in Krasnodar.

The conference was organized by the AEB Southern regional Committee, the Public chamber of Krasnodar region, the Association "Agency for investment and international cooperation", the Krasnodar regional branch of the RSPP and the Russian-English socio-political weekly "Yug Times" in the frames of the program "Time for new strategies-2019". 

The conference took place at the factory Claas and a guided tour for the conference participants to the plant was provided. 

The conference participants discussed the research of brand employers, talent training for business, neurophysiological diversification, experience of digitalization and business transformation. 
The conference was moderated by Igor Brener - Employee Experience,  Cargill GHRS Russia, Deputy Chairman and Chairman of the HR Subcommittee of the  AEB Southern regional Committee.
Oleg Zharko, Chairman of the  AEB Southern regional Committee, regional Corporate Affairs Director of the group of companies Danone in Russia, Sergey Ogurtsov, Chairman of the Commission of the Public chamber of Krasnodar region, Deputy Chairman of the Krasnodar regional branch of the RSPP, Diana Lipinskaya, Director of Krasnodar branch of “Bank Center-invest”, Gennady Stryuk, Head of HR policy Department of Krasnodar region Administration, Alexey Titov, Deputy of The legislative Assembly of Krasnodar region, member of the Committee on industry, investment, entrepreneurship, communications, consumer and financial markets, foreign economic activity, Ella Detkova, Head of Service Function Human Resources BU Grain, HR Director CLK addressed to the participants of the conference with a welcoming speeches.
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The coordinators of the Business Schools of the Kuban State Agrarian University  and Kuban State  technological university spoke about the training of talents for business with the support of the AEB  Southern regional Committee member companies. Experience of implementation of dual education on СLAAS shared Ella Detkova.

Representatives of ANKOR and HeadHunter spoke about the attractiveness of the company as an employer.
Anna Smetana, Director of  nonprofit organization “Open environment”, told participants about the issues of equal opportunities.  Igor Brener shared the first experience of official employment with RAS on Cargill in Krasnodar.
The conference continued with a panel discussion of HR experts on the topic of HR leadership in the process of digitalization and business transformation. Ella Detkova, CLAAS; Clara Kazantseva, Nestlé Kuban; Tatiana Selezneva, Philip Morris Kuban and Gennady Stryuk, the Administration of Krasnodar region, were experts and shared their views on the implementation of digitalization.
