Corporate Volunteering: Regional Practices and the Vector of Development
On December 7, the conference "Corporate Volunteering: Regional Practices and the Vector of Development" was organized in Krasnodar. The conference was held within the framework of the program “Time for New Strategies-2017".
The organizers were the Public Chamber of the Krasnodar Region, the AEB Southern Regional Committee, the Agency for Investment and International Cooperation and the Russian-English socio-political weekly "Yug Times".
The conference was moderated by Oleg Zharko, Chairman of the AEB Southern regional Committee, Regional Corporate Affairs Director, group of companies
Danone in Russia.
Popova Lyubov, Chair of the Public Chamber of Krasnodar Region and the Deputy Chair of the AEB Southern Regional Committee welcomed the participants.
Kudaev Rashid, the head of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives in the Southern Federal District, told the participants about the standards of volunteer support. Kovalev Vadim, First Deputy Executive Director of the Association of Managers of Russia, Executive Secretary of the National Council for Corporate Volunteering (Moscow) spoke about the level of development of volunteering in Russia as a whole.
Speakers from the companies Nestle Kuban, Philip Morris Kuban, Cargill, Danone presented their volunteer programs in different regions of Russia. The participants discussed how to develop volunteerism and to strengthen intersectoral partnerships: "business, power, society." It was made an initiative to establish a Regional Council for Corporate Volunteering in the South of Russia.
The ceremony of awarding the laureates of the year 2017 with the award of the Public Chamber of Krasnodar Region "Public Recognition" was held after the conference.
Photo L-R: Kudaev Rashid, ASI; Popova Lyubov, Chair of the Public Chamber of Krasnodar Region; Andreeva Alisa, Philip Morris Kuban;
Zharko Oleg , Chairman of the AEB Southern regional Committee, Danone