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Crisis communications management in the context of new legislative initiatives


On July 5, 2022, the AEB Public Relations & Communications Committee conducted the open event entitled “Crisis communications management in the context of new legislative initiatives”.

Numerous unforeseen events have happened in the recent months and have significantly altered the media sphere and the work of PR professionals. Businesses now are under pressure to respond to crises much faster and adapt quickly to changes. 

The event was opened by Tadzio Schilling, AEB CEO, and moderated by Marina Tatarskaya, Chairperson of the AEB PR & Communications Committee. The invited experts shared their experience of work in the changed circumstances. 

Denis Denisov, Partner, Head of Russia/ CIS, EM, talked about the risk factors in crisis management and described how to handle communications in the face of new legislative initiatives. 

Arina Khodyreva, Head of Integrated Communications Practice, PBN, described how to create and coordinate a crisis communications team and main functions of the anti-crisis team. The expert gave examples of famous brands’ crises resolve cases. 

Sergey Parkhomenko, Managing partner, “Ideas and Solutions” Communication Agency, provided a thorough analysis of the communication market in Russia and the resources available to businesses for corporate brand promotion.
