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Current Trends in the Design of the Industrial Projects


21 November, 2017 the AEB Machine Building & Engineering  and Real Estate Committees have organized the Round Table “Current Trends in the Design of the Industrial Projects” in the AEB Conference Center.

The event on engineering proposed to the AEB members by the Machine Building & Engineering Committee is a longstanding tradition. This time, after their successful joint event in December of last year on sustainable office, wiser for this experience, both Committees have decided to continue their cooperation.

With real cases and experts from different industries, the Round Table revealed the market news and current trends of the industrial projects; the introduction of new business models in the engineering market and design of intellectual power supply systems; present the real possibilities of energy saving and customers oriented solutions for successful localization; the legal aspects of industrial development were also on the agenda. The representatives of Tebodin Eastern Europe (Roy Pick) Schneider Electric (Pavel Murzakaev), Siemens (Alexander Nevrovskiy), ESYLUX (Andrey Golovin), Drees & Sommer (Tatiana Kovalenko), and Goltsblat BLP (Inna Firsova) have addressed the AEB members. 

The Round Table was moderated by Mikhail Turundaev, Schneider Electric, Deputy Chairman of the AEB Machine Building & Engineering Committee.

On the photo: the speakers and some participants of the meeting.

Presentations are available HERE.
