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Developments in greenhouse gas regulation plans in Russia


On 30 August 2016, the Climate Policy Working Group of the AEB Safety, Health, Environment & Security Committee held an open meeting that was devoted to the proposals for Russia on interaction in the field of low-carbon development with GHG emission regulation systems in other countries, and with international financial institutions. 

The meeting was moderated by Anton Galenovich, Chairman of the Climate Policy Working Group. Russian climate policy latest developments, specifics of Kazakhstan and Korea Emission Trading Systems and AEB members’ proposals were presented to the participants of the meeting. Climate Policy working group focused its attention on the following recommendations and proposals:

  • to recognise and approve early mitigation business activities and outcomes as accountable under future mandatory regulations in line with the Paris Agreement provisions regarding internationally transferable mitigation outcomes;
  • to initiate creation of EAEU contact group on GHG emissions regulation.

The proposals discussed at the meeting will be submitted the Russian Government in order to enhance Government-to-business dialogue on Russian climate policy issues.
