Digitising Industry: Chance for Small and Medium-Sized Businesses in Russia
On 26 September 2017 the AEB Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Committee held its open event entitled ”Digitising Industry: Chance for Small and Medium-Sized Businesses in Russia”.
The digitalization changes our society and represents one of the biggest challenges for the economy. Nevertheless a broad majority of small and medium sized companies have rather passive than active attitude towards upcoming possibilities. The event provided a platform for discussing following topics: quick wins in cost efficiency - robotics process automation for SMEs; digital transformation as the key to survival under the demand and investment decrease; integrated cloud business applications for supply chain and logistics management.
The event was moderated by Orlin Efremov, Chairman of the AEB Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Committee, Managing Partner, Performance Partners LLC.
L-R: Rafail Salikhov, Head of Department, Extended Supply Chain, ALPE Consulting; Alexander Gerasimov, Director of digital transformation, IoT, cloud and IT services, J’son & Partners Consulting; Tadzio Schilling, Associate Director, Business Development, Foreign Desk Organization (FDO), EY; Orlin Efremov, Chairman of the AEB Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Committee, Managing Partner, Performance Partners LLC.
The presentations from the event are avaliable HERE