On 16 October, 2019 the AEB North-Western Regional Committee held its regular open event on “E-COMMERCE AS DRIVER OF DIGITALIZATION IN RUSSIA: TENDENCIES AND REGULATIONS”.
The first part of the event was devoted to the regulatory aspects of E-commerce. Such topics as legal aspects of using Big data in e-commerce, features and problems of personal data processing with regards to online stores in RuNet, and anti-monopoly aspects of E-commerce where highlighted by the experts fr om Dentons, EPAM and DLA Piper.
The second part of the event was structured as a panel discussion with key-note participants fr om Yandex.Market, ARISTOS, East-West Digital News, Russian Electronic Money and Remittance Association. The discussion focused on nowadays reality with regards to e-commerce development in Russia, what are the trends uniting off-line and on-line commerce, wh ere are we going with the development of e-payments, what are the opportunities for developing by manufacturers their own online stores, how to handle old logistics methods in the new virtual reality, and wh ere in general the e-commerce may drive us.
The event was moderated by Anton Rassadin, the Deputy Chairman of the AEB North-Western Regional Committee, Head of Corporate Communication, OOO "BSH Bytowije Pribory".
We cordially thank “Egorov, Puginsky, Afanasiev & Partners”/EPAM in St. Petersburg for the support of the event.