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Experience in the Development of Human Capital


On May, 18 HR-conference "Experience in the development of human capital: the impact to the investment attractiveness of the Krasnodar region" took place in Krasnodar. The conference was held in the framework of the program "Time for new strategies-2017".

Organizers of the program are the Public chamber of Krasnodar region, the AEB Southern regional Committee, the Association "Agency of investment and international cooperation" and Russian-English social-political weekly "Yug Times".

The conference was moderated by Igor Brener, Cargill, Client HR Manager CASC EMEA Russia&Ukraine; Deputy Chairman and chair of HR Subcommittee of the AEB Southern regional Committee.

The conference  participants welcomed Oleg Zharko, Chairman of the  AEB Southern regional Committee, Regional Corporate Affairs Director, group of companies Danone in Russia; Rashid Kudaev, Head of division of investment policy of Investments and development  SME Department of Krasnodar region; Alexander Polidi, Deputy Secretary of the Public chamber of the Krasnodar region. 

The conference was attended by heads and employees of Russian and foreign companies of the region, public associations, higher education institutions of Krasnodar territory.

The conference focused on technologies of human capital development. Michael Germershausen, Antal Russia, Chair of the AEB Human Resources Committee,  told about prospects of personnel potential development in the region, basing on federal trends. 

Representatives of PwC, Claas, Philip Morris Kuban, Syngenta spoke about their staff development projects,  the Bank Center-invest and the company's Nestle Kuban told about their  work with  pupils  and students aimed at professional orientation.
The result of the conference was the analysis of personnel development factors in the context of investment attractiveness of the region. Proposals to the Strategy of development of Krasnodar region will be prepared following the conference.

L-R: Alexander Polidi, Public chamber of Krasnodar region; Rashid Kudaev, Administration of Krasnodar region;  Oleg Zharko, Chairman of the  AEB Southern Regional Committee, Danone; Igor Brener, Cargill; Michael Germershausen, Antal Russia, Chair of the AEB Human Resources Committee.
