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Johan Vanderplaetse spoke at the closing session of the Russian-European Climate Conference


On December 3, 2020, AEB Chairman of the Board Johan Vanderplaetse spoke at the Closing Session of the Russian-European Climate Conference: "Dialogue on Climate Policy and Next Steps towards Paris Agreement Implementation in the EU and Russia", which was held at the SKOLKOVO Business School.

The session was moderated by Andrey Sharonov, President of the Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO, and Markus Ederer, Ambassador of the European Union to Russia.

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The speakers of the session were: Maxim Reshetnikov, Minister of Economic Development of Russian Federation and Marc Vanheukelen, Adviser and EEAS Ambassador at Large for Climate Diplomacy.

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In his speech Johan Vanderplaetse summed up the results of the three-day conference, noting that the proposed technical solutions for further development in the field of improving the energy efficiency and environmental friendliness of production can be formed in the formula "3D+E":

- Decarbonization
- Digitalization
- Decentralization
- Electrification

Johan Vanderplaetse also explained why the current development model, based largely on the sale of hydrocarbons, may become unjustified for the Russian economy in the long run, and told how Russia can benefit from Europe's stake in the development of hydrogen energy. He also stressed that a number of large Russian companies are already actively investing in the development of energy-efficient technologies, including their European colleagues. Digital technologies that help to increase production efficiency, reduce costs and generally strengthen their competitive advantages, so Mr. Vanderplaetse called on European and Russian parties to promote joint search and development of innovative solutions in the field of energy efficiency.
