Meeting of the AEB and the International Association "Anti-Counterfeiting" on the ways of interaction and cooperation
On September 28, 2021, a meeting of the AEB and the International Anti-Counterfeiting Association took place.
Issues of possible interaction of both associations including joint activities on combatting counterfeit products were considered.
The meeting was attended by: from the AEB - General Director Tadzio Schilling, AEB GR Director Crop Protection & Seed Tatiana Belousovich, Chairman of the AEB CPC & Seed Anticounterfeit WG Yuri Fedulov, BASF; from the association "Anti-Counterfeiting": First Vice President Baysolt Khamzatov, General Director Svetlana Kvasova, General Director of the “National Scientific Center of Competence in Combatting of Counterfeit Products” Alexander Borisov.