Meeting with the First Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade Vasily Osmakov
On April 29, AEB members met with the First Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade Vasily Osmakov.
The participants discussed the important localization issues, such as the terms and conditions of amendments to the SPICs, and the possibility and procedure for renegotiation of SPIC 1.0 into SPIC 2.0. The companies were also interested in the question whether the procedure for technology review and expertise is supposed to be changed to include modern technology in the list of modern technologies to improve the quality and transparency of this expertise, which is now conducted in a closed regime, without the involvement of internationally recognised experts? The Deputy Minister confirmed the openness to dialogue regarding the expertise of technologies, as well as the clarification of the conditions and parameters of localization in certain industries.
Mr. Osmakov suggested that AEB gets involved in the work on a single inter-industry methodology of localization criteria. According to Deputy Minister, it is a very complex complex work and it will be conducted throughout the year.
At the same time, Mr. Osmakov confirmed that the Government Decree 719 is the key document for ensuring support measures for foreign companies investing in Russian industry, and three aspects are important for the analysis of localization criteria - market size, readiness of the component base, and availability of real projects.
AEB CEO Tadzio Schilling thanked Mr. Osmakov for the open discussion and confirmed the AEB commitment to join the work on most burning issues.