• INFRASUPP-6-2014: International Cooperation for Research Infrastructures (Coordination & Support Action) – This call is to support bilateral cooperation on research infrastructures with Russia. Proposals are in particular expected to help develop cooperation between European research infrastructures and the Russian Megascience facilities including the underpinning e-infrastructure.• INFRASUPP-8-2014: Network of National Contact Points (Coordination & Support Action) – The objective of this call is to facilitate trans-national co-operation between NCPs for research infrastructures with a view to identifying and sharing good practices and raising the general standard of support to programme applicants. Only NCPs from EU Member States, Associated Countries, European Neighbourhood Policy countries (ENP), African countries, Australia, Canada, Russia and USA, which have been officially appointed by the relevant national authorities, are eligible to participate in and receive funding for this action.• FETHPC 1 - 2014: HPC Core Technologies, Programming Environments and Algorithms for Extreme Parallelism and Extreme Data Applications (Research & Innovation Action) - Collaborations with Russian partners that can contribute outstanding scientific excellence in mathematics and algorithms for HPC is welcomed in this call. These partners will however not be funded by the European Commission.• COMPET 6 – 2015: International Cooperation in Space Science (Research & Innovation Action) - The diverse range of competences spread among universities, research institutes, and space agencies in different countries in the world, should be harnessed in proposals with a view to establishing a coordinated authoritative position in the planetary protection research field.• BG 15 - 2015: European Polar Research Cooperation (Coordination & Support Action) - Proposals should coordinate polar research in Europe and develop a comprehensive European Polar Research Programme. Cooperation is encouraged with partners from third countries, such as US, Canada, Russia, Japan, China, India and Latin American countries.• MG.1.8-2014-2015: International Cooperation in Aeronautics (Research & Innovation Action)- Proposals should address fully one of the two domains, the first is opened in 2014 and the second domain is opened in 2015. The second domain includes research and innovation actions that should address topics of common interest between Europe and the international partners (including Russia).• NFRP 2 – 2014: Tool for the Fast and Reliable Prediction of Severe Accident Progression and Anticipation of the Source Term of a Nuclear Accident (Research & Innovation Action) - International cooperation with notably Japan, the United States of America, Ukraine and Russia would be beneficial in this area and will be considered during evaluation.• NFRP 12 – 2014: Nuclear Developments and Interaction with Society (Research & Innovation Action) - This research shall be composed of a coherent and representative set of “case studies” regarding nuclear developments and projects, over the last sixty years, in the EU and abroad (USA, Russia, Ukraine, Japan) and related international cooperation where appropriate.• INT 1 – 2014/2015: Enhancing and Focusing Research and Innovation Cooperation with the Union’s Key International Partners (Coordination & Support Action) – This call targets the following international partners: Australia, USA, Brazil, Russia, China, South Africa, and Ukraine.
1. Information on all open calls can be found here - http://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/portal/desktop/en/opportunities/h2020/index.html2. MEMO/13/1085: Horizon 2020 – the EU's new research and innovation programme - http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_MEMO-13-1085_en.htm3. MEMO/13/1122: Horizon 2020 - first calls - http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_MEMO-13-1122_en.htm4. Horizon 2020 website - http://ec.europa.eu/programmes/horizon2020/en