Online conference "Business Experience and Practice in the Context of a Pandemic" in Krasnodar
On October 28th, 2020, the online conference "Business Experience and Practice in the Context of a Pandemic" was held in Krasnodar.
The conference was organized by the Public chamber of the Krasnodar region, the AEB Southern Regional Committee, the Investment and International Cooperation Agency Association, the Krasnodar regional branch of the RSPP, and the Russian-English socio-political weekly Yug Times.
The conference was moderated by Oleg Zharko, Chairman of the AEB Southern Regional Committee, Regional Corporate Affairs Director, Danone group of companies in Russia.
Participants of the conference were welcomed by Tadzio Schilling, AEB CEO and Lyubov Popova, Chairperson of the Public chamber of the Krasnodar region.
Vasily Vorobyov, head of the Department of investment and development of small and medium-sized businesses of the Krasnodar territory, spoke about the measures taken by the administration of the Krasnodar region to support businesses during the pandemic.
Representatives of Cargill, EY, Mercuri International, Philip Morris international, VEGAS LEX, VSK told the conference participants about new forms and practices of companies ' work and shared the experience of digitalization and organization of remote work of employees.
Alexander Polidi, Deputy Chairman of the Public chamber of the Krasnodar region, head of strategic consulting at ARKA-Group LLC. Evaluation and consulting " recapitulate the discussion and summed up the results of the conference.