On 7 July, the AEB Modernisation & Innovation Working Group held its open meeting entitled ”Supply Chain Disruption”. The meeting was moderated by Michael Akim, AEB Board Member, Chairman of the AEB Modernisation & Innovation Working Group.
The meeting was held within the development of discussion at the AEB session at INNOPROM-2019, which was devoted to the Russian exports in the context of its integration into global supply chains. The meeting was called to discuss, in particular, supply chain current transformations under the new conditions: disruptions caused by the pandemic; implications in international relations and increased trade tensions; expanding green economy standards at a global level; supply chain security in terms of uncontrolled brunching; appearance of self-sufficient vertically integrated high-tech companies.
The presentation by Yuri Simachev, Director for Economic Policy, Higher School of Economics, and Anna Fedyunina, Director of Analytical Center, Higher School of Economics ”Global value chains under new conditions: risks and opportunities for Russia” demonstrated a comprehensive report covering the following aspects: world trade after the pandemic under the new conditions; pre-crisis changes in global production in 2000-2020; periods of growth and crisis in global economy in 2000-2020; potential transformations of GVCs after the pandemic; role of GVCs for the Russian companies; ascending and descending streams in global production; successes and challenges for the Russian industries’ upgrade in GVSs through FDIs; interconnection of the technological border and export activity of the Russian companies; export activity factors in basic non-primary sectors; Russian manufacturing sector’s dependence of imports; key challenges and a post-crisis policy for Russia; pros and cons for the international trade and GVCs’ quick recovery; platform integration into the chains, robotization and the development of export oriented SMEs as the key opportunities for Russia.
Art Franczek, President, American Institute of Business and Economics, highlighted in his presentation ”Recent US sanctions on Huawei and their potential impact on international companies” the following subjects: drivers for trade tensions and their grounds in the US law; protection of ”essential security interests”; ”unfair” foreign barriers to U.S. exports and investigations toward trade partners’ laws and policies in terms of the discrimination or harming US IPR and technology development; imposed tariffs on Chinese goods; Chinese tech companies and the development of 5G /6G/ 7G networks; Chinese tech companies on the BIS entity list as a factor for supply chain disruption for the US companies; imposed bans for violating US sanctions on Iran and North Korea; imposed secondary sanctions prohibiting the company from receiving payments in dollars and effectively cutting it off from commodity markets and global markets; supply chain issues in certain industries (automobile industry, pharma, etc), concerns in the sphere of IPR and unfair technology transfer practices.
The presentation by Elena Robakidze, Business Development Manager at Ahlers’ Trade Facilitation and After Sales Services, entitled ”China’s digital supply chain and Alibaba: opportunities for EU Companies”, was focused on traditional supply chain vs. digital supply network, technologies used by the companies for integration in supply chain, digitalization of Alibaba Group, Alibaba during the time of Covid-19 (fast delivery of critical supplies, online donations, robot deliveries, contactless delivery, online consultation -AliHealth), factors empowering digitalization of supply chain in China (digitalized consumers, well developed e-commerce industry, trusted digital payments infrastructure).
The full record of the meeting is available at the following link: https://yadi.sk/i/9OQFrTQxjoSIxA