Opening ceremony of the new school year in Krasnodar Business Schools
In October 2020, Krasnodar hosted the Opening Ceremonies of the 2020-2021 school year in Business Schools, which are supported by the AEB Southern regional committee member companies.
For example, on October 21, 2020 certificates were handed over to the students of the first set of Kuban State University Business School, which celebrated its centennial in 2020.
Welcoming speeches at the Business Schools Opening ceremonies were made by Oleg Zharko, Chairman of the AEB Southern regional Committee, Regional corporate affairs Director, group of companies Danone in Russia and Igor Brener, Chair of the HR Subcommittee of the AEB Southern regional Committee, Employee Experience, Cargill GHRS Russia.
Business schools are represented in Kuban state agrarian University, Kuban state technological University, and Kuban state University. Business schools have been working for 7 years with the support of the AEB Southern regional Committee member companies. 450 students of three key universities of the Krasnodar region have graduated business schools.
More than 40 speakers from 15 AEB Southern regional Committee member companies will address the audience during the academic year. The first semester of the Business schools 2020-2021 academic year will be held online.