Opportunities to finance and support industrial projects
On July 09 the AEB Finance and Investment Committee and Industry Development Fund held a webinar entitled "Opportunities to finance and support industrial projects".
The event was moderated by Stuart Lawson, Member of the Board of the AEB; Senior Adviser, EY; Director, Skolkovo Ventures.
The invited speaker was Vadim Anikin, Leading expert of the special investment contracts and localization Department, Industrial Development Fund covered in his presentation the following aspects:
- Measures of state support to small and medium-sized enterprises and systemically important enterprises aimed at overcoming the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Сoncessional loans from the Industry Development Fund at the rate of 1, 3, 5% per annum.
- Nuances of the legislation on localization of production in Russia and advantages of the status "Made in Russia".