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Presentations of business case studies at the Kuban State Technological University Business School


On April 27, 2020, students of the Kuban State Technological University Business School presented their business case studies.

This project has been supported by AEB Southern regional committee  member companies for more than 5 years. During the 2019-2020 academic year, weekly lectures were held for the  students. Danon and Claas conducted excursions for them.

 Presentation of the business case studies was held in an online format using the MS Teams platform. 

Students of the business School presented solutions to business cases offered by Nestle Kuban, Claas and Ancor. Students of the Kuban State Technological University, spoke about the programs and platforms that exist to solve these business tasks. 
Business representatives evaluated the solutions of the cases: Igor Brener, Chairman of the AEB Southern regional committee HR sub-Committee, Cargill; Ralph Bendisch, SRC Deputy Chairman, honorary Consul of Germany in Krasnodar, Сlaas; Tatiana Alishevich, Philip Morris and mentors from Nestle Kuban and Ancor companies.

Photo: educational process
