On 8 December 2016, the AEB Southern Regional Committee organised the conference entitled “Corporate Social Partnership: Investment in Human Capital” at the conference-hall of Hotel “Platan Yuzhny”. The company Philip Morris Kuban was the partner of the conference, the gold sponsor – company Syngenta.
The conference was held in the framework of the programme “Time of Social Investments”implemented jointly by the AEB Southern Regional Committee, the weekly Yug-Times and the Public chamber of the Krasnodar region.
The meeting was attended by heads of leading foreign and Russian business of the Krasnodar region, public and non-profit organisations, representatives of higher education institutions of the Krasnodar region, and mass media. The representatives of companies EY, Bank Center-invest, Gubskiy kirpichny zavod, Danone, Cargill, CLAAS, Knauf, Nestle Kuban, Philip Morris Kuban, and others spoke at the conference.
The conference participants discussed the opportunities, prospects and projects with universities in training highly qualified personnel, working within the framework of joint educational programmes in financial literacy and business training. Considerable attention was paid to the development of personnel and the creation of a unifying corporate culture.
During the discussions among the guests on aforementioned issues it was decided to continue analysis of these important issues in other AEB Southern Regional Committee events.
L–R: Liubov Popova, Gubsky kirpichny zavod; Oleg Zharko, Chairman of the AEB Southern Regional Committee; Alisa Andreeva, Philip Morris Kuban.